Working at height is one of the most dangerous parts of a construction job. If you’re working on scaffolding, there are three main risks you need to keep in mind: falling off the structure (or having something fall on top), tripping over tools or materials, and being struck by objects or equipment. Scaffolding wrap is a simple but effective way to protect yourself from all three hazards. This article will explain what to look for in scaffolding wrap and how it can help you stay safe while working on the job.
It has to be durable:
Durability is the most important thing to look for in scaffolding wrap. It has to be able to withstand the elements, which means it should be waterproof and able to withstand heavy winds. It also has to handle the weight of workers, equipment and other materials that may be on top of it.
Additionally, it would help if you considered whether you would need more than one layer of scaffolding wrap for your structure’s integrity not to come into question over time.
Make sure it’s tear-resistant:
Tearing is a major concern for framing wraps, and it’s just as important to ensure the wrap you choose isn’t too thin as it is to make sure that it’s thick enough. An overly thin wrap can easily tear when pressure areas are applied, like a worker leaning against it or pushing on it with his leg while standing in place.
Tearing can also occur on the edges where the two pieces of fabric come together if they’re not sewn well or if they’ve been folded incorrectly during storage. Again, ensure these areas are reinforced with stitching so they don’t rip open when workers walk past them in high-traffic areas.
Another common way for wraps to fail is by being punctured by nails or screws from ladders placed next to them; this can make using your scaffolding unsafe if you don’t have an adequate barrier between those nails/screws in your work area.
Is it easy to install?
When looking for this wrap, look for one that is easy to install and lightweight. Ensure the wrapping isn’t too heavy or bulky to carry and store. If it is difficult to clean, it can also be an issue.
When purchasing a specific brand of wrapping, check out reviews from previous customers who’ve purchased these wraps before you buy one so that you know what kind of experience they had with the product before deciding whether or not this will be right for you your needs.
Is it fire-retardant?
An important thing to look for in body wrap is if it is fire-retardant. The material will allow your workers to escape a fire without being harmed. While you may be tempted to choose the cheapest option, remember that you don’t want your safety precautions compromised by something that wasn’t worth its price tag.
Suppose you use these wraps made of non-fire retardant materials. In that case, they will burn in high heat situations and must be replaced often amidst work stoppages due to danger zones created by their changing nature as they are exposed more frequently over time. The best way around this problem is by purchasing wraps made of flame-resistant materials such as glass fibre fabric or canvas–but those can get expensive quickly!
The material should have high visibility or reflectivity:
Reflective material is highly visible in low light and can be used to create a high-visibility barrier around scaffolding. This kind of product is an excellent way to protect workers from falls.
On top of this, it is also a good safety feature; people walking by can see you more easily, which means they’re less likely to trip over your equipment or get hurt by it. In addition, reflective material can be used for many applications—from wrapping machinery and machinery covers to building safety signs that warn workers of potential hazards (such as overhead electricity wires).
Scaffolding wrap is an important tool for workers who need to protect themselves from falls. Using a product that will last longer and keep you safe while you work. The best scaffolding is a fabric with high resistance to tearing and punctures, preventing it from failing when you need it. It should also be easy to apply, so you don’t waste time trying to get the cover on your machinery or equipment.